Sleep Apnea Treatment
Imagination Orthodontics, is a sleep apnea specialist providing the most advanced CPAP treatments in Ocean & Monmouth County. At Shore Sleep a good night’s sleep is vital to feeling good and staying healthy. If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic illness or fatigue, discover how Shore Dental SleepCare can help. Shore Dental SleepCare is a treatment-oriented facility, which concentrates on sleep apnea, snoring and sleep breathing disorders. These disorders are associated with increased risk for hypertension coronary heart disease, strokes, short-term memory loss, early on-set of Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive problems, Erectile Dysfunction, etc..

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Symptoms of sleep apnea can include snoring, cessation in breathing while asleep, and waking up abruptly gasping for breath. While awake, symptoms can include daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, feeling like you can nap at any time of the day, and trouble staying awake while driving or sitting down. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you should consult a physician to be screened for sleep apnea or other sleep related disorders.

Risk factors of Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea can affect anyone, even children. However, there are certain factors that can increase your chances of having sleep apnea. These can include excess weight, a narrow airway, smoking or alcohol use, and nasal congestion. Your chances also increase as you get older.

How do I get tested for Sleep Apnea?
If you believe you may have sleep apnea, talk to your primary physician about scheduling a sleep study. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is diagnosed by a sleep study called a Polysomnograph (PSG), which is usually performed in a sleep center. There are also home sleep study tests available. Once you have this study done, your doctor can evaluate the results and determine if you suffer from sleep apnea, and if so, how severe it is. Your doctor will then discuss treatment options which may include C-PAP or Oral Appliance Therapy.
At Imagination, a good night’s sleep is vital to feeling good and staying healthy. If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic illness or fatigue, discover how we can help.
Schedule an Appointment Today and have our wonderful doctors assess your teeth and give you the best possible treatment!
Oral Appliance Therapy
Oral Appliances are safe, non-invasive, effective therapy options for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. An oral appliance is a small device that is custom fit to the mouth to be worn during sleep, similar to a night guard or retainer. These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep to promote adequate air flow. Patients with primarily snoring or mild/moderate OSA are the best candidates for Oral Appliance Therapy. Those with severe OSA are recommended C-PAP Therapy but are candidates for Oral Appliances if they cannot tolerate wearing a C-PAP.
Advantages of Oral Appliance
Oral Appliances are a much more tolerable solution to relieving sleep apnea symptoms.
- Oral appliances are comfortable and easy to wear.
- Oral appliances are small and convenient making them easy to carry when traveling.
- Treatment with oral appliances is reversible and non-invasive.
- Oral appliances do not make noise, interfering with partners sleep.

Welcome to Imagination Orthodontics our rebrand of Braces at Brick, where our passion is to create confident smiles that last a lifetime.
Our Locations
- 990 Cedar Bridge Ave Ste B15 Brick Township, NJ 08723
- (732) 477-1808
- Colts Neck Center 273 NJ - 34 Colts Neck, NJ 077722
- (732) 761-8300